Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now...
When I first told people I was going to build a house, most responses were some variation of the following:
Wow, really?
Have patience.
Almost 2 years into the process, still with no home, I think the more accurate responses would have been :
Are you really up to that?
Be prepared to spend sleepless nights fighting off noisy critters in the ceiling of the tear down you bought and will be living in during planning and construction!
I know, what you’re thinking is geez, it can’t be that bad, if it were, why would anyone build a house?! That is a good question. My answer is simply, that I wanted to create the closest version to my utopian sanctuary that I could afford. My vision was no doubt impeded by the feeling that as both a lover and member of the design community, I felt I had something to contribute to the urban identity of this lovely city I call home. And what better way to express this than through the most impactful and physical medium I had access to, construction.
Looking back now, the warning signs came early, but I just chose to shrug them off merely as the kinds of fears that come from those lacking vision and courage to conquer the unknown. Ignore them I told myself, of course it will be difficult. If it were easy, everyone would do it, because who doesn’t want to design and build every last piece of what is the place they planned to spend a large portion of the rest of their lives. As with all successful projects, this would require no more than a talented and competent team, a clear and reasonable plan, and a little luck. While I have found these three things to be essential, they unfortunately haven’t made navigating the capricious maze and the numerous obstacles involved in constructing a home, an easy process. While still underway, this journey has taught me more about myself and this world, than I’d ever expected.
If you care to join me here over the next few months, I’ll share with you frequently, infrequently, and when ever I feel the urge, all that I have learned. While I can’t guarantee that you will share my vision for the home I end up with, I do hope that my story gives you the determination to persevere and the appreciation for the ability to take the journey, should you choose to build your own sand castle.